I am because we are.
Thank you for being here!
Looking forward seeing you anytime soon!
I am, because we are, Ubuntu. As a creative generalist, I am always involved in a great variety of projects, at the same time ;-).
And I would so love to co-create with you! So on this page you will find all events, that I will be hosting myself or will be attending.
You’ll find a mix of English and Dutch, international and local events. Have a scroll and see what inspires and resonates with you!
Every new moon, this page will be updated and you can receive my newsletter, with lots of inspiration and a free meditation!
Ba ma pii, until we meet again! Looking forward to co-create!
Upcoming events this season
Feb 5-May 5 ~ Sprinkles of Spring March
Do you follow your natural rhythm or your agenda? Are you longing for the sun or can you appreciate the magic of all seasons? Do you know what you need to nourish your own roots?
After a successful ‘Magic of Winter’ program, I received requests and guidance to continue supporting people to live natural law, the whole year round. So I continued this Living Natural Law with the seasons and Sprinkles of Spring was born.
Spring in February…? You bet! Ever since I started to live ‘Living and working according to the rhythm of the seasons’ from Jaap Voigt, I feel this is so helpful to align with my natural rhythm.
February was the month to ‘tend to and be with’. With that, which wanted to be born through you. We were invited to nourish our roots.
In March, the seeds slowly start to grow. What wants to be born through us, slowly starts to unfold. Staying centered and aligned, rooted, is now important. In February, we nurtured the soil to create the best ground for our seeds. Now we can see what seeds want to unfold.
The Sprinkles of Spring Journey, helps you to stay aligned and grounded. With a monthly inspiration and guided mediation, that guides you through the natural essence of the month and connects you, to you.
You can get buy them per month or join the whole Spring Journey. In that case you are invited to either join the live Equinox gathering in Amsterdam or choose a one-on-one coaching to support you more personal in your alignment with your own natural rhythm.
The live Sprinkles of Spring session will take place at Amstelglorie (my garden of Eden ;-)) in Amsterdam, March 23 in the afternoon including lunch.
March 8 ~ International Women's Day
Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Where we can all thrive, no matter what genre… This has been a topic, close to my heart, for a long time already.
International Women's Day (IWD) has been around for over a hundred years, as have many of the issues still impacting women's advancement.
Since 1911, IWD belongs to all who care about women's equality. Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness about discrimination. Take action to forge gender parity. All IWD activity is valid, that's what makes IWD so inclusive. And important, especially in today’s wold…
This year, I felt called to use International Women’s day to celebrate women’s ‘achievement’, even though I don’t like that word. But looking around in my surroundings, I am in awe of what women ‘achieve’, in a holistic way. By balancing their doing and being in life. By balancing all different roles that they play. By holding space for others (both male and female) to grow, flourish and succeed. By gathering together and nourish each other.
Therefor, this year, I have invited some women in my network for an inspiring lunch March 8. All women that I admire for who they are and how they contribute in the world, to the world. I want to honor them, thank them, nourish them, in many ways and inspire them even more than they already are.
I am also invited to inspire a big corporate company around this theme, for which I am so grateful! I wish all companies acted on this topic…
Maybe this inspires you. Maybe, you can do the same, in your surroundings.
Wishing you a most inspiring International Women’s day!!
10-14 Maart ~ Soulworx Experience (gratis :-))
Mensen die mij kennen, werden gek van me afgelopen jaar…..ik hield maar niet op over het Business&Soul traject van Soulworx, dat ik volgde. Nadat ik al vele Soulworx experiences had gevolgd, voelde ik vorig jaar echt dat het tijd was…tijd voor ‘the works’. Het Business & Soul traject, dat 6 maanden lang duurt.
Ik heb er echt zó van genoten! Ik voelde me eindelijk gezien, begrepen…het kán wel! Je zielenmissie leven èn een gezonde business hebben. Ik heb mega veel geleerd en ben daarom ook superblij dat ik in februari de ruimte heb er weer volle bak mee aan de slag te gaan.
En deze Soulworx Experience kwam dus, voor mij, weer op het perfecte moment.
Een week lang aan de gang met de juiste klanten aantrekken door een natuurlijk ecosysteem te creëren in je bedrijf. Hoe zalig is dat?
Ik weet niet hoe dit bij jou resoneert, maar op de website van Aurélie staan de volgende redenen waarom deze experience iets voor je zou kunnen zijn:
‘Je wil niet de hele tijd als een pusherige verkoper staan roepen op social media. Dat past niet bij jou. Maar hoe zorg je dan wél voor continuïteit in je verkopen?
Je aanbod is niet onweerstaanbaar genoeg waardoor verkopen vaak zwaar voelt.
Wat je doet op marketing- & salesvlak heeft te weinig effect. Je wil ontdekken wat er wél werkt. En hoe je dat kan doen op een manier die natuurlijk & vervullend voelt.’
Ahum….ja hoor, ook na het B&S traject, geldt dit nog voor mij, haha! En dus doe ik met heel veel liefde, heel graag mee!
Want deze experiences zijn online, kun je in je eigen tijd dus doen en dat vind ik echt heerlijk.
Ik heb al meerdere Experiences meegedaan met bevriende collega’s of collegiale vrienden en ook al doe je het allemaal voor jezelf, het is zo leuk om te kunnen sparren!
Dus voel jij dit wel en is het voor jou ook ‘het perfecte moment’, schrijf je dan vooral in: ik beloof je dat je geen spijt zult krijgen!
Our Souls Speak ~ Golden Earth podcast ~ available in March
What is ‘the new’? What is Golden Earth? I get a lot of those questions. Sometimes, it feels like I am a bit of an ambassador of the New or Golden Earth, however you call it. So I was very honored and humbled, to be asked to share my vision about it, in this podcast. Which is not ‘my’ vision, as in my ego vision, but it is more an eco vision….and that is, maybe, exactly what golden earth is about…
“This is a major shift in consciousness which shatters the old ways through which our societies have been built - fear, hatred, disconnection, segregation, separation, domination… - and invites a total renewal where all can thrive together as one humanity. We are paving the road towards a New Earth that so many of us are yearning for.” ~Sourceness
Would you like to explore with other souls about how we connect to ourselves, others and our Golden Earth in this new Era of Delimitation? Then we invite you to listen to this spiritual constellation podcast which will be available on the Ours Souls Speak channels beginning of March.
Gregg Westwood of the Spiritual Constellation Podcast will be interviewing me, and we will discuss, amongst other things, my book, Living Natural Law.
Afterwards we have a roundtable discussion at the soul level exploring the energies and guidance that is in the divine present moment. Joining our table will be Dr. Lorna Collins, Barry Holmes and we will be hosted by Dilraj Eradhun.
“The leaders of this Golden Earth are the children of today and to prepare for this fundamental shift, there is a need to upgrade our own ways of operating as adults but also as parents in the ways we raise our children. This begins with a fundamental shift in consciousness: we need to examine and reconsider who we are and how we relate to all the various aspects of our Selves.”
We hope you will enjoy this podcast!
18-21 Maart ~ The Week bij De Groene Afslag!
Wat heb jij gedaan toen je wist wat je nu weet? De vraag waar The Week om gaat… Wat als je de toekomst écht zou kunnen voelen?
Stel je voor dat je de meest urgente vraagstukken van onze tijd niet alleen kan begrijpen, maar ook écht te ervaren? Tijdens The Week krijg je de kans om precies dát te doen: een unieke reis die je diep raakt, inspireert en activeert begeleid door Vivienne Dorenbos-Reesink
Wat is The Week?
The Week is geen gewone lezing, workshop of documentaire. Het is een meeslepende ervaring waarin korte films, diepgaande gesprekken en reflecties samenkomen. Geen overdaad aan feiten, maar een emotionele en intellectuele reis naar de kern van de ecologische crises – en onze rol daarin. Je ontdekt niet alleen hoe het anders kan, maar vooral hoe jij daar deel van kunt uitmaken.In een wereld vol chaos en complexiteit is dit hét moment om even stil te staan. Om te voelen wat echt belangrijk is. Niet om je schuldig te voelen, maar om samen hoop en actie te vinden. The Week is er voor iedereen: van de doorgewinterde changemaker tot de nieuwsgierige beginner.
Als extra verdieping introduceer ik je in Theory U en oefenen we met de kunst van luisteren en dialoog voeren: vaardigheden die essentieel zijn voor duurzame verandering.
Tijdens de Week van de Circulaire Economie verwelkomen we je op onze bijzondere locatie: De Groene Afslag in Laren. Een inspirerende plek waar vernieuwing en duurzaamheid samenkomen. Hier ontdek je hoe grootse veranderingen klein kunnen beginnen bij jou, bij ons. Ik zie er zo naar uit dit samen met jou te doen! Ik heb The Week al een paar keer gefaciliteerd en het zijn prachtige, inspirerende weken!
Deelname aan The Week is bijna gratis en vindt plaats op de volgende drie dagen:
18 maart 2025, 15.00-17.00 uur
19 maart 2025, 15.00-17.00 uur
21 maart 2025, 15.00-17.00 uur
Je kunt alleen deelnemen als je op alle 3 de bijeenkomsten aanwezig kunt zijn.
Ik hoop je te zien in maart bij de Groene Afslag!
April 1, London ~ Triple Wellbeing Practitioner
Every now and then, you find something, you immediately fall in love with…
I had that feeling when I was introduced to the Triple Wellbeing framework. It brings together the amazing work of Otto Scharmer, the values work of the Barrett model and integrates it in this beautiful, simple, but profound, wisdom of wellbeing. I simply love it! So, of course, I want to know all about it.
“In a world facing big challenges - like climate change, inequality and mental ill-health - we need to think about wellbeing more than ever. Triple WellBeing® shows us how wellbeing for ourselves, our communities and our planet all depend on each other, offering pathways to address these challenges as one.”
“Picture an education system that doesn't just fill our heads with facts, but really teaches us about who we are, how we relate to one another and how we fit into the wider world. We're building the future together.”
I am so excited to join this workshop, live in London! It offers a practical exploration of how to respond to the social, emotional and environmental challenges we face in our lives and learning spaces.
Guided by the Triple WellBeing framework, this course offers tools, practices and approaches to support resilient lives and healthier communities. By focusing on self-care, people-care and earth-care, this interactive workshop supports educators to become catalysts for co-creating a more empathetic, sustainable and inclusive world.
A fresh perspective on a future-fit education, emphasising not only what we teach, but the way we teach and learn. You'll discover how to cultivate critical thinking, resilience, empathy and a profound connection to the natural world, enriching your own personal wellbeing and creating a healthier learning environment that fosters these qualities in your students.
Join a global community of educators helping to inspire a next-generation of engaged, empathic and empowered global citizens!
Starting April 7 ~ inspiring Jeremy Lent
Laying the groundwork for an ecological civilisation
That was a subtitle that so resonated with me…supporting the shift from ego to eco, is what our work is all about.
I haven’t read his book The Web of Meaning, yet, but I have seen a dialogue with him, and one of my Native American friends, and was so touched by the humble way in which these two wise men explored remembering the, natural, web of meaning and bringing that into our today’s world. As an eternal student of life, one will never stop learning, so also after the many transformational teachings that I have integrated in my life, I am really looking forward to be inspired in this 10 week online course!
Discover if this aligns with your view!
We need deep transformation
Our civilisation is careening at an accelerating pace toward a precipice of climate breakdown, ecological destruction, and gaping inequality. Redirecting humanity’s trajectory will require a fundamental transformation of society encompassing virtually every aspect of the human experience: our values, our goals and our collective behaviour.
The depiction of humans as selfish individuals, the view of nature as a resource to be exploited, and the idea that technology alone can fix our biggest problems, are all profound misconceptions that have collectively led our civilisation down a path to disaster.
We need to transform our core human identity, our relationships with others, and with the nonhuman world.
Once we shift our worldview, another world becomes possible
The only way we can truly change our trajectory is by approaching society’s problems from the foundation of an alternative worldview—one that affirms life, rather than the accumulation of wealth above all else.
This worldview already exists: it is one of deep interconnectedness, which integrates the findings of modern systems thinking, evolutionary biology, and cognitive neuroscience with insights from Buddhism, Taoism, and Indigenous knowledge.
Ultimately, this worldview could serve as the basis for a fundamentally different type of society: an ecological civilization.
April 22 ~ Earthday 2025
Every year, I organise an event during Earthday. Sometimes outdoors, with my campervan, I have baked apple pie to hand out to students at a university or I organise a gathering at home. Whatever it is, it always inspires, so people say ;-)…
I don’t know yet what it will be this year. Any ideas or wishes? Please let me know, very welcome!
As I am quite engaged in education at the moment, and love talking to young people about this topic, I do think I will try and find a place where I can meet them, so any hunches are welcome!
For 55 years, Earth Day has led the world in raising awareness and taking action on critically important environmental issues. We advocate for the health of the planet, for our air, oceans, soil, eco-systems, wildlife, and human health.
On April 22nd, 2025, Earth Day will turn 55 (as will I this year ;-)), with 192 countries and over one billion people around the globe expected to participate. This demonstrates how the diverse Earth Day movement remains as dedicated today as it was back in 1970 to bringing everyone together for a better future.
Grassroots people-power has always been at the heart of Earth Day and it is the catalyst for paradigm-shifting change because when individuals unite with a common purpose, they can overcome even the most entrenched systems and industries.
As we approach this milestone, we celebrate a transformative reality: we already possess the solutions we need to create clean, inexpensive, and unlimited energy for the entire planet through renewable solar, wind and other technologies.
This Earth Day 2025, let us commit to harnessing renewable energy to build a healthy, sustainable, equitable and prosperous future for us all, let us commit to Renewable Energy Now.I am open to facilitate something at Amstelglorie…if you want to brainstorm with me, just let me know and very welcome to connect!
18 Mei, Groene Afslag ~ Tiny Friends Festival
Op het Tiny Friends Festival wordt je meegenomen in de fascinerende wereld van insecten. Mieren die als volleerd chirurg door het leven gaan, vlinders die met hun achterpoten kunnen proeven en libelles die met 55km per uur door de lucht zoeven.
Maar insecten worden bedreigd, terwijl ze een onmisbare rol in ons ecosysteem hebben.
Op het Tiny Friends Festival leer je niet alleen op een speelse manier over insecten, je krijgt ook mee hoe je deze kleine vrienden kan helpen.
En uiteraard is er ook programmering voor de insecten zelf, dat mag je niet missen!
De organisatoren zijn dit festival aan het co-creëren met kinderen van diverse scholen: echt een geweldig proces om te volgen! Zij posten hier regelmatig over via instagram, dus volg ze daar om mee te genieten van het proces naar het festival toe!Het Tiny Friends Festival is er voor jong en oud. Kom jij ook? Ik ben er ook!
Please let me know, here below, in case of any questions, ideas or requests! I will happily answer you with a little video via email!
Or you can book a (free) 30 minute call to explore together: just let me know in the subject what you would like to talk about and looking forward to meet you!